Thursday, September 1, 2016


Hotels in the claims as the first education hotel located in the city of Malang is HOTEL UMM Inn. Hotel UMM Inn itself is located on Jl . Raya Sengkaling no.1 Dau, about 3 miles from the center of Malang and also close to the City Tourism Batu. Hotel UMM Inn Malang can be used as a venue for various events such as graduations, conferences, parties to the seminar.


On August 21, 2005 UMM inaugurate bookstore, as a business unit of the University of Muhammadiyah Malang. During operation UMM Bookstore has developed a variety of ways in their development despite the many drawbacks. There are some obstacles that so affects performance since the UMM Bookstore in operation for more than 4 years and 4 months. These obstacles are still felt to this day such as the number of sales is low mobility. Currently Bookstore UMM has had three divisions: the book division, division stationery and division computer, and some time ago Bookstore UMM develop a new division that works with the individual to form a new business unit called souvenir center UMM, where the individuals have been because it has the same vision and mission of the university of Muhammadiyah malang. The market share target by this gift center, especially from the academic community and among non UMM community is expected to contribute better to the development of UMM Bookstore in the present and the future. Three (3) divisions owned by UMM Bookstore is located one (1) floor with a display that is divided west to display division office stationery and east to display the book division and computer division.


This hospital is a means of supporting education and is one of the profit centers of the University of Muhammadiyah Malang.
Malang Muhammadiyah University Hospital was inaugurated by the President of the Republic of Indonesia All 5 by Mrs. Hj. Megawati Soekarno Putri on June 17, 2014 in the wake on an area with lokasirumah hospital not far from campus 3 UMM is precisely in the east terminal Landungsari.
Standing in an area of 9 hectares and has a main building as tall as 6 floors and several auxiliary buildings as high as 5 floors and buildings as high as three floors of hospitalization. Form of a magnificent building and neat with typical Chinese architecture, makes RS UMM is easily recognized by all levels of society.

TR.SENGKALING OR SEKUL (Sengkaling kuliner)

Sengkaling Recreation Park is located at Jl. Raya Mulyoagung No. 188, District Dau, Malang regency, or within sekitar10 km from the center of the city of Malang. It is strategically located because right on the edge of the highway that connects the city of Malang Kota Batu, so it is easily accessible by private vehicle or public transportation.


Mosque AR. Fachruddin
Mosque AR. Fachruddin established in 1995 and inaugurated by President BJ. Habibie (President to 3) in 1998. The mosque building is made with modern arsitektur .Masjid consists of five floors. The strategic location, the mosque AR. Fachruddin often used as one tourist destination. The location of the mosque is on the edge of the highway Tlogomas, the access road to the town of stone.


In this course there are institutions that can accommodate students' potential as JUFOC, KINE, FOCUS, HIMAKOM these institutions are institutions that channel the interests of their talents such as photojournalism, filmmaking as well as the set of communication science students. Department of Communication Studies mempuyai 3 konsentarasi practice, namely: Public Relations, Journalism, Audio Visual third are the parts of science communication to the curriculum system of science communication in order to adjust and adjusting shall the development of communication and fasilita mempuyai lab audio-visual good to mempertingkal skill and facilitate communication science student talent.


University of Muhammadiyah Malang (UMM) is a private university accredited "A" with SK Number: 074 / SK / BAN-PT / Ak-IV / PT / II / 2013. UMM is one university that is growing rapidly, so that by Muhammadiyah was commissioned as a college adviser for the entire PTM (University of Muhammadiyah)) Eastern Indonesia.
Centered on the campus of University of Muhammadiyah Malang III integrated, Highway 246 Tlogomas Malang, East Java. University which was founded in 1964 and is the largest university in East Java Muhammadiyah. UMM included in the ranks of the leading PTS in Indonesia.

Tricks to smooth the task PATI :

  1. Be on time so as not to miss the material identified and follow discipline during the starch .
  2. Embarrassed to ask astray on the road means not ask the supervising sister no matter who do not understand
  3. Internet Connection to be sure to be conditioned properly so that time is not wasted when doing evaluations 1,2,3 .


The development of science technology of western to Indonesia has had implications for the country's progress Indonesia. Indonesian community began a movement to fight for the independence of Indonesia. They make use of modern science and technology to find the latest information about the state of the world. Therefore, the Indonesian people really helped with the development of science and technology.
Science and technology (Science and Technology) in Indonesia is growing from year to year since Indonesia is still under Dutch colonial These technologies come from countries in Europe. Then the Dutch colonial government infuse science and technology through education in schools and by way of direct use to the community in Indonesia, Indonesia lags far with the countries around it. Overall another cause of underdevelopment Indonesia in the field of science and technology are as follows:


Malang Culture
Malang has a culture that has been known throughout the country and even internationally. And the Malang city is a city rich in a culture, including the arts artistry One very well-known and familiar is WAYANG TOPENG MALANG. Puppet Mask Malangan is a manifestation of the confluence of three cultures of Madura, Central Java, Tengger.

Malang Characteristic
Malang guy must have been very familiar with the "boso walikan" (in reverse) which is often used in the daily life of Malang communities.
"Boso walikan" the following example: