Thursday, September 1, 2016


Mosque AR. Fachruddin
Mosque AR. Fachruddin established in 1995 and inaugurated by President BJ. Habibie (President to 3) in 1998. The mosque building is made with modern arsitektur .Masjid consists of five floors. The strategic location, the mosque AR. Fachruddin often used as one tourist destination. The location of the mosque is on the edge of the highway Tlogomas, the access road to the town of stone.
The place of worship located on the floor 3 to floor 5. The second floor is used for offices takmir mosque, library, lecture hall, a laboratory of Psychology, ablution 'and a ballroom. The 1st floor is used for offices, banks, canteen, Kopkar, ATM, and laboratory, counseling, clinic, UMM FM radio and some central office studies.
Masjid AR Fachruddin UMM has already Qiblah direction right (authentic) and has been demonstrated by CASA (Club of Astronomy Students Assalaam). The mosque was used as a propaganda center and center Muhammadiyah Islamic activities for the entire academic community and the general public.

UMM Gas Station
Building and interior design has been made, either in paper form or animasi. UMM gas station project will be equipped with a cafeteria and a resting area is located on the ground floor. The establishment of filling stations is considered highly prospective due to the number of students, faculty and employees UMM very much with the needs of vehicle fuel is very high. General Fuel Filling Stations (Gas Station) UMM will be built on the west Mosque AR. Fachruddin, precisely on the left of the exit West Campus III UMM. Establishment of this gas station is one of the UMM efforts in developing profit centers for financial support in addition to the cost of education of students.
At this time, the development plan is still in the stage of land arrangement and administering licensing. Besides as profit centers, gas stations UMM is one of services for the academic society and the general public in terms of ease of supply of the fuel.

Source: Click Here

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