Thursday, September 1, 2016


In this course there are institutions that can accommodate students' potential as JUFOC, KINE, FOCUS, HIMAKOM these institutions are institutions that channel the interests of their talents such as photojournalism, filmmaking as well as the set of communication science students. Department of Communication Studies mempuyai 3 konsentarasi practice, namely: Public Relations, Journalism, Audio Visual third are the parts of science communication to the curriculum system of science communication in order to adjust and adjusting shall the development of communication and fasilita mempuyai lab audio-visual good to mempertingkal skill and facilitate communication science student talent.
There have been many achievements obtained from the student / student communication as champion photo exhibitions, film-eagle award winner, writing books and jurnalisitik and public relations. Another achievement of this program is to be the best Prodi university level, become "The Best School of Communication in the same year". Why choose Prodi Science Communication? I chose this study program because according to the info I can since out 2013 Communication Sciences managed to maintain accreditation based on the letter of BAN-PT 106 / SK / BAN-PT / Ak-VS / S / IV / 2013 .Perkembangan of Communication Studies of Faculty of Social and Political namely in terms of the learning that is always up to date, or keep abreast of the times, it can be said media literacy. Because of this department become majors that are included in the favorite subject of learning should also be adjusted with the times and technology progress.

Source: Click Here

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