Thursday, September 1, 2016


Malang Culture
Malang has a culture that has been known throughout the country and even internationally. And the Malang city is a city rich in a culture, including the arts artistry One very well-known and familiar is WAYANG TOPENG MALANG. Puppet Mask Malangan is a manifestation of the confluence of three cultures of Madura, Central Java, Tengger.

Malang Characteristic
Malang guy must have been very familiar with the "boso walikan" (in reverse) which is often used in the daily life of Malang communities.
"Boso walikan" the following example:
  1. Ayas (saya)
  2. Kera (Arek)
  3. Ngalam (malang)
  4. Ngenes (seneng)
  5. Kane (enak)
  6. Nakam (makan)
And that needs to know the community very well known unfortunate dynamic, straightforward, hard work and respect for the community and are proud to be Arek Malang (AREMA).

Malang Characteristic Food
Here typical of Malang characteristic food:
  • Tempe snack chips 
Tempe's central chips in the street sanan Malang City, the center of tempe chips are Home Indutri, which displays not only crispy tempe alone but a lot of chips, and chips fruits.I often eat while work on tasks or play games namely chips Salak, Rambutan chips, watermelon chips, and chips Nangka. The center of the gift it is only in fluent Jaya, because many artists also were there and often met.
  • Malang meatballs 
Malang is famous with meatballs very tempting tongue meatball lovers. The poor meatball can be encountered anywhere in a variety of places in the city even in the poor districts. The poor meatball has a characteristic taste very savory and slightly sweet, sweet is the hallmark of the cuisine poor communities themselves.
  • Mawut fried rice 
Mawut fried rice is actually the usual fried rice, only this time combined with other materials, namely fried noodles. Soft texture of fried rice plus a fried noodles chewy flavors produce a very tasty meal. Bright brown color from a mixture of soy sauce and refined with toping pickles and lettuce. The food is typical Malang this one too fond, if not enjoyed when visiting Malang.
  • Durian ice Dempo
Still with sweet and fresh, this time you can taste the specialties of other Malang, namely Es Durian Dempo. Culinary This one is made from several grains of durian mixed with shavings of ice cubes, then doused sweetened condensed milk and coupled with syrup. Because the use of ice, the typical drink Malang this one is fresh when enjoyed during the day or when the weather is hot.

Source: Click Here

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