Thursday, September 1, 2016


The development of science technology of western to Indonesia has had implications for the country's progress Indonesia. Indonesian community began a movement to fight for the independence of Indonesia. They make use of modern science and technology to find the latest information about the state of the world. Therefore, the Indonesian people really helped with the development of science and technology.
Science and technology (Science and Technology) in Indonesia is growing from year to year since Indonesia is still under Dutch colonial These technologies come from countries in Europe. Then the Dutch colonial government infuse science and technology through education in schools and by way of direct use to the community in Indonesia, Indonesia lags far with the countries around it. Overall another cause of underdevelopment Indonesia in the field of science and technology are as follows:

  1. Limited education in Indonesia
  2. Rarely directly involved in the development of science and technology
  3. The Dutch government and companies that are in Indonesia to conduct technology transfer.
  4. The lack of industrialization.
  5. Lack of technological innovation
After independence, the development of the science and technology is growing rapidly in Indonesia. Development of science and technology in PJPT II is an extension of the sustainability PJPT I.
The history of the development of science and technology in Indonesia after independence was divided into two decades. In the first decade, the year 1945-1960, the nation of Indonesia began to understand the meaning of production technology, although still in a passive level and filled the dependence on foreign parties. The results of the introduction of science technology introduction for the first time, namely the construction of a cement factory in Gresik, a paper mill in Blabak (Magelang), glass factory, and cosmetics in Surabaya in the mid-1950s. In the decade of the 2nd ie in 1976 by establishing aircraft factory in Bandung was named NUR Tanio aircraft industry (IPTN) that uses more sophisticated technology. The technology of the aircraft manufacturer's mengacuh on technology in Germany.

Source: Click Here

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